Have you ever thought about adding edible insects to your diet? Well, it is not a bad idea. Since prehistoric times, humans have eaten insects as food. This includes eggs, larvae, pupae and even adults of various species of insects. We are going to share a list of insects you can eat. If you are impressed with the abilities of insects, just wait till you see what kind of nutrition they provide.
Although insects look weird and don’t look at all tasty for consumption, many provide great diet benefits. For example, just 100 grams of crickets contain only 121 calories, 12.9 grams of protein, 75.8 milligrams of iron and 5 grams of carbohydrates. For those seeking low carbohydrates and
a great source of protein, try a silk worm pupae or a bowl of termites. After reading this post, you may be interested in adding healthy and tasty bugs to your future meals (if you don’t already).