Monthly Archives: October 2015

weird things couples do

8 Weird Things Couples Do

There are many weird things couples do. Today we are going to share 8 examples you will likely find a bit humorous, and also repulsive. Some of them may seem so strange, they will make you go hmmm. However, you may have done one or more of these bizarre things yourself and never thought twice about it. Sometimes being in a relationship can make one do some very crazy things.

 #1 Spy On Each Other

spyIt is quite common. Couples lack trust in their relationship. Sometimes, instead of just working on gaining trust, they choose to spy on each other. They may suspect deception without even a shred of evidence to prove they are being deceptive. Therefore, in order to find out the truth, they are visiting and purchasing a spy kit. However, sometimes a spy kit is not enough. read more