Monthly Archives: May 2015

weird crimes

5 Weird Crimes You Won’t Believe

With millions of people breaking the law everyday, you are bound to hear about weird crimes that are unbelievable. There are plenty of stupid and crazy criminals committing acts that would make virtually anyone scratch their heads in disbelief. Today, we decided to put together a list of 5 most strangest offenses. One of the suspects is not a human, but a cow that was arrested for murder.

According to Maps of World, in 2011, the United States was the #1 country with the highest reported crime rates. The count was 12,408,899. The numbers include all crimes and are according to total persons brought into formal contact with the police and/or criminal justice system. With numbers that high, you will surely find some stories from some of the craziest people alive. Let’s start our list off with a man who went to extreme measures for the purpose of avoiding a DUI test. read more