Category Archives: Weird Things | Wild Science | The Web |

Life is undoubtedly filled with so many weird things. Virtually every week we hear strange scientific stories on the news that make us question even the most reliable sources. We often think the story is nothing but a made up hoax and just can’t imagine how it is not. However, this is not always the case. With proof based on observable and conclusive scientific evidence, we find out that the things we may have thought were impossible, actually are.


We created this category to explore a variety of topics related to unknown mysteries, strange events, strange websites, wild science, pictures, and many more topics that spark the curiosity of the human mind. The questioning minds of humanity make the world an even more interesting place to live in. If we just assume we have all of the answers, we would never progress as a species. Plus, we would likely be extremely bored and would never feel challenged to find true answers. Enter and explore some of the weirdest things that have even the brightest minds questioning the facts.

What will humans look like in the future?

What Will Humans Look Like In The Future?

Have you ever wondered what humans will look like in the future? If you believe in evolution, you probably have. This is a question philosophers have pondered since evolution was first introduced in the early 19th century. Today, we are going to discuss various educated guesses from scientists regarding the future of human evolution. The distant future is unknown, but perhaps we can get a good idea of what may be coming. Of course, some or even all speculations may never happen.

human evolutionAccording to the theory of evolution, humans descended from apes. Humans and apes share a common ancestor that had diverged over time to form many different species of hominid. The ancestor was earlier believed to live around 6-7 million years ago. However, a new study of chimp mutation rates suggests that the most recent ancestor actually lived about 13 million years ago. read more

Pictures Of Werewolves

Pictures Of Werewolves

Did you come here to see some pictures of werewolves? Great. In this post, we have included many cool images of these immensely hairy, scary and legendary creatures, which originate from European folklore. You are about to see some creepy werewolves that may just freak you out.

We are first going to talk a little bit about the interesting history of werewolves.

What Are Werewolves?

In folklore and superstition, a werewolf (also known as a lycanthrope) is a person who has the ability to shapeshift into a wolf (typically when there is a full moon) or a wolf-like creature. The shapeshift can be either temporary or permanent, which occur by supernatural influences, witchcraft, or voluntary. However, the shapeshift may also occur when one gets scratched or bit by another werewolf. Although the person changes into a wolf, they still retain human intelligence. read more

Weird Things

Weird Things That Make You Go Hmmm

In a big world called Earth, you are bound to find many weird things that will make you go hmmm. Today we are going to talk about some things that you may find extremely hard to believe. Rest assured, everything here is 100% real. If you read the information provided in this article and still don’t believe it is true, to back up all of our stories, we have provided links to reputable websites.

If you happen to be a fan of the weird and unbelievable, this article is for you. Whether it is about a teenage girl who had a 5-foot-long hairball removed from her stomach, or a baby born pregnant with her own twins, you are surely going to learn about some of the most insane and unbelievable things that have happened in our world. Our first story is about a so-called sexy gorilla in Japan. read more

I Love You With All My Heart

I Love You With All My Heart?

So what does “I love you with all my heart” really mean? Today we are going to study love and learn about where it actually comes from. Although it is not uncommon for one to believe it comes directly from the heart, you may be surprised to hear that it may come directly from the brain.

You hear it in books and movies. There are even “I love you with all my heart” poems you have likely heard of from everyone who has ever expressed their love for you. Also, you have probably said it many times. However, after reading this article, you may soon be saying “I love you with all my brain.” We are going to learn about the major role the brain plays when one experiences love. read more



Would you ever make love to a sexbot? If not, you are definitely in the majority, at least today. According to a poll that was conducted by the Huffington Post and YouGov, 9 percent admitted they would bonk a sex robot. The survey was based on a sample of 1,000 Americans, of course, with the aim of even representation across age, sex, race and income. Today, we are going to talk about the small, but up and coming industry of sex robots. Although their development may seem like a very crazy idea today, in the coming decades, it is actually expected to grow into a huge business. read more