For the first time ever, sexbots will be equipped with their own personality. Thanks to an advanced artificial intelligence system designed by RealDoll (a sex doll manufacturer), the robot’s personality is customized by the user. RealDoll CEO Matt McMullen says the AI app was engineered so his users can develop an emotional attachment to their sex robots.
The image in our poll is not of a real woman. It is a realistic-looking doll manufactured by RealDoll.
Would You Have Sex With A Sexbot? Yes. I definitely would!I’m not sure.No way. Never!
They say there are 7 people in the world who look exactly like you. The world population is now over 7 billion. That means there is roughly one doppelganger per every one billion. Unless you use advanced technology to find your twin, you’ll probably never meet any of the 7. When it comes to President Donald Trump’s doppelgangers, you don’t need any special technology to find them. We already found them on social media. We created a list of the top 5 Donald Trump doppelgangers shared on Twitter. And one of his lookalikes is not a more
If you asked a scientist what the basic building block of life is, the answer would be water. Therefore, when NASA’s Curiosity Rover recently found evidence suggesting that the Red Planet (Mars) was not always completely dry, thoughts of previous life forms come to mind.
Evidence of Ancient Lakes
In 2012, the Curiosity Rover landed close to an area officially named Aeolis Mons: An area that is now referred to as Mount Sharp (named after Professor Robert P. Sharp, 1911-2004). Since landing in 2012, the rover has continued moving around the planet. In 2014, the rover reached the base of Mount Sharp, at which point scientists realized that the evidence the rover gathered may suggest that Martian lakes were full of life. While the Curiosity Rover had already found evidence suggesting that lakes existed on Mars’ older, lower-lying layers of rock, these more recent photos show evidence of desiccation cracks (ancient mud cracks).read more
In 1842, William Henry Johnson (aka Zip the Pinhead) was born into a destitute African-American family. His parents were Mahalia and William Johnson, both of which were former slaves. William was one of six children. His unique physical characteristics would soon become very beneficial for the Johnson family.
Although the rest of William’s body grew as expected, his head seemed to remain the same. With a tapered cranium and heavy jaw, he caught the eye of agents from a circus in Somerville, New Jersey. His unique characteristics led to many believing he was microcephalic, frequently referred to as a ‘pinhead.’read more
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last 12 months, you know 2016 was a year filled with many awkward moments. From one of the craziest presidential elections of all time, to strange and funny stories that quickly went viral, this year certainly had it all. Below is a list of 5 moments we picked as the most awkward in 2016. Some may make you laugh your butt off.
At the Republican presidential primary debate earlier this year, just getting all 7 men on stage was difficult. The big challenge begins after Ben Carson misses his cue. If there ever was a top ten for “weirdest bloopers from the 2016 presidential election,” this one would make the top more