real-life Barbie

Meet Real-Life Barbie Valeria Lukyanova

For the majority of little girls, Barbie represents the beauty and perfection they hope to attain as they reach adulthood. The First Edition Barbie appeared on the market in 1959: Barbie was available as a blonde or as a brunette and was touted as a ‘Teen-Age Fashion Model.’ This First Edition doll sold for $3. With the perfect figure, flawless complexion, snub-shaped nose, high cheek bones, full lips, large almond-shaped eyes and long, flowing hair, it’s no wonder that little girls want to look just like her. In fact, there are numerous women around the world who are going under the knife in an attempt to attain perfection: Their idea of perfection? Barbie. read more

Rudy Santos

Rudy Santos: The Octoman

Rudy Santos (born in 1953) is a former sideshow performer from the Philippines. He is the oldest recorded person in history to live with his parasitic twin. Due to his rare medical condition, he made a living appearing in freak shows with the stage name “Octoman.”

What are parasitic twins?

an adult man with a parasitic twinA parasitic twin (also called an unequal or asymmetrical conjoined twin) refers to the smaller and less developed member of a pair of unequal conjoined twins. The less developed twin will often have a formless mass of tissue that is attached to or within the more developed twin. read more

Stephan Bibrowski

Stephan Bibrowski: Lionel the Lion-faced Man

This is an article on a famous sideshow performer named Stephan Bibrowski (1890–1932). Due to an incredibly rare condition called hypertrichosis, virtually his entire face and body (excluding the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet) was covered with hair. The excess hair made him look similar to a lion. Luckily for Bibrowski, his bizarre condition helped land him a job as a circus freak.

Bibrowski’s Mother Blamed His Condition On An Attack By A Real Lion 

lion faceBibrowski was born in 1890 in Congress Poland. He was born with one-inch hair that covered his body. Sadly, Benedict (Stephan’s mother) considered her son an abomination. When he was just 4-years-old, she chose to give him up to a German promoter named Sedlmayer. read more

scary shit online

The Best Scary Shit Online (Creepy Pictures & Videos)

This is the place to find the top scary shit on the World Wide Web. Warning: Some of the following material may not be suitable for all viewers. Enter at your own risk.

We divided this post into 2 sections. Our first section contains a list of links to some extremely terrifying web pages. In our second section, we share some of the most spine-chilling YouTube videos ever. Some of this stuff is so disturbing, you would think it only belongs on the dark Web.

Links to Horrifying Webs Pages

Best Gore ISIS Beheading Video

This is a disturbing video found on the popular gore website called It was reportedly filmed in Syria, and released by the ISIS terrorist group. The footage begins with the beheading of a young man. The last part of the clip shows the brutal execution of ten men. read more

Ella Harper

Ella Harper: The Camel Girl

Ella Harper (5 January 1870 – 19 December 1921) was a famous circus freak who was known as “The Camel Girl.” According to most sources on the Web, Harper was born in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Some sources claim that she also had a twin brother who died at an early age.

Due to an extremely rare orthopedic condition called congenital genu recurvatum (also called knee hyperextension and back knee), she preferred to walk on all fours. The reason for her unusual gait was that her deformity in the knee joint caused her knees to bend backwards. Harper’s condition and unusual preference to walk on all fours is what eventually earned her a lucrative career as a circus performer, as well as the nickname “Camel Girl.” read more