Bertha Gifford and her bottle of arsenic

Bertha Gifford & Her Bottle Of Arsenic

Some consider Bertha Gifford (October 1872 – August 20, 1951) to be America’s third female serial killer. This wicked woman was accused of murdering at least 17 people with large amounts of arsenic. Unfortunately, Gifford’s victims were forced to endure a very slow and agonizing death. The majority of historians agree that the murders had occurred over a period of twenty-one years.

The Early Years

Bertha Alice Williams Graham Gifford was born in Grubville, Missouri. During the early 1900s, she was a farmer’s wife in rural Catawissa, Missouri. In 1907, she married Eugene Gifford and was the mother of one child named James. People in her small farming community saw her as a good Samaritan who was always willing to help those in need. Gifford eventually earned the name “angel of mercy.” read more

Abu Azrael

Abu Azrael: A Real-Life Rambo

If there ever was a real-life Rambo, it is Abu Azrael. This man has earned the name “Angel of Death” for a darn good reason. Azrael (who’s real name is Ayyub Faleh al-Rubaie) is a commander of the Imam Ali brigade (an Iraqi Shi’a militia group) group, who is currently fighting terrorists in Iraq. In just a little over a year, he has become famous for killing over 1,500 Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists.

Who Is This Man?

The personal life of Azrael is in question. Various sources say he was born in 1970 and is a father of five. He is believed to be a former university lecturer and also a one-time Taekwondo champion. However, there other sources that say he is actually a highly-trained special forces veteran. read more

Lobster Boy

Lobster Boy

Grady Stiles Jr. (June 26, 1937 – November 29, 1992) was a freak show performer who was given the stage name “lobster boy”. Stiles suffered from a rare congenital deformity called ectrodactyly.



Main droite” by Aurélie & Sylvain is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

Ectrodactyly (which is also known as split hand, cleft hand, and split hand/split foot malformation) can occur in both the hands and feet. People who suffer with this condition will have a deficiency or an absence of at least one center digit of the hand or foot. In some cases, the extremities (hands or feet) may only have a thumb and just a single finger that is present. Depending on the severity of the condition, the deformity may actually make the hand or foot the look like a lobster’s claw. read more

Eva Dugan

Eva Dugan: The Murderer Who Lost Her Head

You may have heard of convicted murderer Eva Dugan (1878 – February 21, 1930). As a fair punishment for her wicked crime, she was sentenced to death. However, unlike many others who dealt with the same type of punishment, Dugan literally lost her head. Oddly, the hanging had resulted in her decapitation, which eventually caused the state of Arizona to replace hanging with another method for the death penalty. It was eventually replaced with the lethal gas chamber.

The Disappearance Of Andrew J. Mathis read more

dumbest websites

5 Dumb Websites For When You Have Nothing Better To Do

With an Internet filled with hundreds of millions of web pages, you are going to stumble upon dumb websites from time to time. We found five of the dumbest places to visit when you have absolutely nothing to do. Although most serve virtually no purpose, some may make you laugh.

5 Places To Visit When You Are Extremely Bored


dumbFor a plethora of dumb things, go to (the name says it all). With thousands of funny jokes, quotes, insults, pictures, videos (including viral videos), games, and more, you will certainly get a good dose of stupidity on the Internet. Categories include funny street names, backwards movies, the fart name list, stuff on my cat, kids jokes, trick questions, firing stories and more. read more