Category Archives: Weird Things | Wild Science | The Web |

Life is undoubtedly filled with so many weird things. Virtually every week we hear strange scientific stories on the news that make us question even the most reliable sources. We often think the story is nothing but a made up hoax and just can’t imagine how it is not. However, this is not always the case. With proof based on observable and conclusive scientific evidence, we find out that the things we may have thought were impossible, actually are.


We created this category to explore a variety of topics related to unknown mysteries, strange events, strange websites, wild science, pictures, and many more topics that spark the curiosity of the human mind. The questioning minds of humanity make the world an even more interesting place to live in. If we just assume we have all of the answers, we would never progress as a species. Plus, we would likely be extremely bored and would never feel challenged to find true answers. Enter and explore some of the weirdest things that have even the brightest minds questioning the facts.

shocking pages on the Web

7 Shocking Websites For Gore Junkies (Disturbing Content)

This is a list with easy access to the sickest and most shocking websites on the Internet. Are you a gore junky? If so, this is the perfect post for you! The following seven sites show pictures and footage of events that actually happened. This includes horrific scenes and stories on topics such as deadly diseases, car accidents, suicides, murders and much more. No matter how much you like this stuff, whatever you do, please do not try any of these awful acts at home.

A shock site is a website with content that is offensive, disgusting, or disturbing (or all of the above). An example of a shock site is a bunch of video clips that show gory violence, or even pornographic material that was intended to insult viewers. Of course, a hate site can also be considered a shock site simply because it offends most readers. read more

scariest places on Earth

A Guide To The Scariest Places On Earth

If you enjoyed reading our recent article, which included a guide to the strangest places on Earth, you will certainly want to check out this guide as well. Here you will find information on the “scariest” places on the planet. While one can visit some of the following locations we are about to share, there are other areas on this list where humans are not allowed. That is simply because if you do enter, you may get seriously injured, die or get attacked by a ghost.

Looking To Find A Terrifying Location To Visit?

scared to death


The following locations may cause extreme fear, injuries and even death. Therefore, it is crucial that you read up on the details before you make any plans. Make sure you don’t enter any sites where humans are not allowed. If you dare to visit any of them, enter at your own risk. read more

6 Creepy Websites That Will Terrify You

Welcome to our list of 6 creepy websites that will terrify you. This is the perfect place for those who are looking to get a dose of the spookiest and sickest stuff the Internet has ever seen. Before you proceed, we have to warn you that some of the material found in these sites may be extremely disturbing to some viewers. Luckily, if they creep you out a little bit too much, all you have to do is just hit the back button, and move on to another one of our posts. Don’t say we didn’t give you a fair warning. read more

Black People With Blonde Hair: The Genes That Cause It

Although blonde hair has traditionally been considered a Caucasian trait, in Australia, some black people are actually born with the golden locks that many American women attain via a bottle. The golden strands of hair framing the dark skin of the face is truly a wonderful sight: These locks are reminiscent of sunbeams falling from the sky.

The People of the Islands of Melanesia

Melanesia consists of several islands that rest within a sub region of Oceania. Melanesia islands include: Fiji, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. One theory stated that salt-water whitening, sun exposure, excess fish consumption, American or European heritage were responsible for the light hair color. However, a study conducted by Sean Myles contradicts these assumptions. read more

Indonesian Villagers Who Dig Up Their Ancestors And Dress Them

Indonesian Villagers Who Dig Up Their Ancestors And Dress Them

Acknowledging the dead is a common practice for many societies: From Mexico’s Día de los Muertos to America’s Memorial Day, remembering and honoring our lost loved ones allows us to consciously recognize their absence. However, some cultures take remembering and honoring their dead to another, much higher, level. For example, some of the residents in Toraja, Indonesia, practice a ritual that is referred to as Ma’nene (The Ceremony of Cleaning Corpses). This ritual is performed on the dead every three years. These Torajans believe that the Ma’nene Ritual strengthens their bonds with their deceased relatives. read more