Cremation refers to the combustion, oxidation and vaporization of a corpse to basic chemical compounds, including gases, mineral fragments and ashes. Following cremation, the family of the decedent receives a container or urn that holds their loved ones ashes. Many times, for financial reasons, an individual will forego a funeral with a burial, opting for cremation: The National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) states that since 2005, cremation rates have increased by approximately 13 percent (from 32.3 percent to 45.4 percent). It is believed that cremation is on the rise because it is more economical than a burial is: The average cost of a funeral with cremation is approximately $6,000, which is about $1,100 less than the average cost of a typical funeral with a burial. By 2030, the National Funeral Directors Association projects a substantial increase in the number of cremations, with cremations representing 71 percent of funerals.
5 Bored Websites
Are you feeling bored out of your mind? If so, you have came to the right place. We found 5 bored websites that will help cure your boredom. However, before you proceed, we advise you to keep some tissue nearby to wipe away your tears. Of course, the reason you may shed some tears isn’t because these websites will make you feel sad. It is because some of them are extremely comical.
Where To Go When You’re Bored To Death
Do you recognize this guy? As you probably know, Donald Trump is all over the news these days. Whether you love him or hate him, you will more than likely have some fun on
Ed Gein: The Real-Life Psycho
Warning: Please Be Advised That This Article Contains Graphic Content
The Making of Eddie Gein – The Real Life Psycho and Inspiration for the Character Norman Bates
A Childhood Full of Brimstone and Fire
Edward Theodore Gein was born to George and Augusta Gein on August 27, 1906 in La Crosse, Wis. With a brother who was 7 years his senior, Eddie was the baby of the family. Augusta was a domineering and extremely religious woman. She was convinced that her views were absolute and true. She raised her boys with a strict moral code, continuously warning them of the dangers of immoral and loose women: Her hope was to discourage her boys from giving in to their sexual desires due to their fear of being cast into the depths of hell.
Find Weird News Around The World
We created this useful article to help you find the latest weird news around the world. We scoured the Internet to bring you the most popular places around. If you want to get a dose of the most bizarre news the Web has to offer, look no further. Some of the stories shared on the following sites are so outlandish, you may think they were fabricated. Amazingly, all of these stories actually happened. The fact that they are genuine events, is what makes them even more exciting to read.
Places To Find The Strangest & Latest News On The Web
5 Trippy Websites To Visit When High
Are you looking to find some extremely trippy websites? Well, we found 5 of the trippiest places online. Although they were all likely created strictly for people who have taken a psychedelic substance (such as mescaline and psychedelic mushrooms), you don’t have to be on any drugs. Even if you are sober, you will feel like you are in another world. Get ready to trip your butt off!
Warning: The following sites may cause seizures. Enter at your own risk.
Cool Web Pages Designed To Trip You Out
Sit back and relax while you enter an amazing world that is filled with many weird objects and creepy creatures. At Zoomquilt, you get to watch a variety of trippy and endless zooming images.