
Pictures Of Ghosts

Welcome to our post on spooky pictures of ghosts. We found a bunch of images from around the world. Warning: Some (or perhaps all) of the material contained in this post may not be suitable for some viewers. If you are terrified of ghosts, we recommend you do not see any of these photos.

Not all of the images in this post are of real ghosts (or claims of real ghosts).

What Is A Ghost?

The Ghost at Point of RocksA ghost is a disembodied soul (or spirit) of a deceased person. Many people believe that ghosts have the ability to haunt specific locations, and can even appear to the living in bodily form. read more

scary websites list

8 Scary Websites

Are you looking to find some of the most scary websites on the Internet? Great. Look no further. We did a very thorough search to bring you nothing but the most frightening pages around. Warning: The following material may be too creepy and disturbing to some viewers. If you decide to read the entire post and end up having some bad dreams because of it, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Before you proceed, we recommend that you do not read this post right before you go to bed.

8 Of The Spookiest Pages On The World Wide Web


Scary.comThe first site on our list is more scary for kids than adults. It is a Halloween haunted house filled with witches, monsters, zombies, bats, skeletons and other creepy characters. If you click on some of the objects and creatures, they will perform an action (such as move their head, or make a funny noise). If you spend some time here, you may find it interesting and funny. Some sections include various definitions, history, and entertaining acts (such as Medusa singing about herself). read more

Wineville Chicken Coop Murders

Wineville Chicken Coop Murders

This is an article about the sad, but true story of the Wineville Chicken Coop Murders that took place in the 1920s. Warning: The following material may be extremely disturbing to some viewers. We highly recommend that you do not allow your children to read any of this appalling story.

The following content contains information about child abductions, rape, torture and murder. The suspects in this story were sick, twisted and without a conscience. These events you are so sad, we were reluctant to even write about them. One might be surprised to hear that these kind of people existed in the 1920s. Of course, there have always been sick and evil people living in this world. read more

women with beards

7 Women With Beards

Did you come here do see some women with beards? We have a collection of images from the 14th century, all the way to the 21st century (six out of the seven are genuine cases). Some of these women once used their abnormality to make a living as a circus sideshow performer.


HirsutismHirsutism is a type of hypertrichosis (an abnormal amount of hair growth over the body) that occurs in women and children. The condition affects 5% to 10% of women of child-bearing potential. Those who suffer from hirsutism may have a hairy chest, abdomen, or a even a beard like a man. Although hirsutism is obviously a cosmetic issue, it may also be a sign of a serious condition. read more

weird things couples do

8 Weird Things Couples Do

There are many weird things couples do. Today we are going to share 8 examples you will likely find a bit humorous, and also repulsive. Some of them may seem so strange, they will make you go hmmm. However, you may have done one or more of these bizarre things yourself and never thought twice about it. Sometimes being in a relationship can make one do some very crazy things.

 #1 Spy On Each Other

spyIt is quite common. Couples lack trust in their relationship. Sometimes, instead of just working on gaining trust, they choose to spy on each other. They may suspect deception without even a shred of evidence to prove they are being deceptive. Therefore, in order to find out the truth, they are visiting and purchasing a spy kit. However, sometimes a spy kit is not enough. read more