depiction of the devil

Pictures Of The Devil

Welcome to our post on pictures of the devil. You may be wondering why some of our recent posts have been about blood, death, creepy stuff, and just pure evil. The main reason is because Halloween is coming soon. Throughout the rest of September and October, we will be publishing a lot of content that may be very disturbing to some viewers. This particular page was created only for educational and entertainment purposes. As we previously mentioned in our post regarding evil demonic spirits, OdditiesBizarre does not participate in the practice of demon or devil worship. read more

Weird Ways To Die

5 Weird Ways To Die

This is a post about 5 weird ways to die. Although some (or all) of the following recorded deaths may seem unbelievable, they are all true stories. Before you continue reading any further, you must be aware that some of the following material may be extremely disturbing to some viewers.

If you read our post called Weird Deaths Of The Famous, you read about a lot of examples of extremely strange ways one can lose their life. You will learn about some more fascinating cases here. The only difference is that the victims are not famous. Of course, due to their lack of fame, the chances that you have heard about their deaths, are less likely than if they were well-known. read more

big ears

Big Ears

Did you come here to read about big ears? If so, don’t go anywhere. Today, you are going to learn some fun information about this topic. We will help answer some interesting questions you may have asked. We will also share a wonderful story about a teenager who had surgery to make her ears look normal. The following post contains true information from various reputable sources.

What Is The Average Length Of A Human Ear?


Ear” by David Benbennick is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

The term “macrotia” refers to an ear that is larger than normal. So what is considered a normal ear length? According to Wikipedia, the normal auricular axis length is 58–62 mm for females. The average for males is a little longer, at 62–66 mm long. In cases where the ear (or ears) is a lot larger than normal, many people will turn to surgery to help correct it by reducing the size. The type of surgery is called otoplasty. Some deformities can be corrected by using non-surgical procedures. read more

powerful women

3 Powerful Women You Don’t Want To Mess With

You are about to meet 3 powerful women with incredible strength, stamina, and skill. From the strongest woman alive, to the best mixed martial artists fighter in the world, these are three women you definitely do not want to mess with. After seeing all of the amazing things each of them can accomplish, you may think they are just a freak of nature. However, they didn’t get their unbelievable abilities handed to them. They worked harder than most people can even imagine.

#1 Kati Luoto

Kati LuotoMeet Finnish strength athlete Kati Luoto. Born in 1972, Luoto is the winner of the 2013 United Strongmen Women’s World Championships. She also won other contests such as Finland’s Strongest Woman (7 times), and Real Power Games Strong Woman. In 2007, she took 4th for Europe’s Strongest Woman. You can certainly say that Luoto has had her fair share of victories as a strength athlete. read more

Pictures Of Skeletons

Pictures Of Skeletons

This is a post that is filled with many cool pictures of skeletons from a variety of sources. We have gathered some images of not just humans, but also animal skeletons. We have included some very fascinating history, amazing GIF files, impressive skeleton art, and much more. Each of the images will include a brief description. We will first start off will our large collection of human skeletons.

For a bunch of awesome skull images, visit our post called Pictures Of Skulls.

Human Skeletons

The Last Judgment Fresco By Michelangelo read more