Monthly Archives: January 2015

Weird Art Examples

With thousands of years of creating art, humans never stop surprising you. They will create weird art that is out of this world. Whether you think it looks ridiculous or absolutely amazing, it sparks the deep interest of millions of art fans. People will often pay big bucks to own a rare piece of art.

How Long Has Art Been Around?

The practice of art has been around for thousands of years. Cave paintings have been traced as far back as 15000 BC. However, scientists now believe that Neanderthals may have been the very first human species to create cave paintings. The oldest cave paintings found in Europe are said to be over 37,300 years old. Of course, today, art has evolved into many different types of styles. We are going to share a variety of odd art examples, which will include pictures, video and descriptions. read more

Weird Hobbies

6 Shockingly Weird Hobbies

We all have leisure activities we enjoy engaging in. But some people have exceptionally weird hobbies that are not only crazy, but also very dangerous. In this post, we will cover 6 hobbies that one or more people have engaged in. You may find some of them to be ridiculous and pointless.

People will often use their spare time to do the most insane things imaginable. From spending your day on a bunch of worthless websites to dressing up as a clown to terrorize people, you will definitely get a taste of another breed of humanity. Let’s get started with our first strange hobby. read more

Gross People

5 Gross People

Are you ready to meet 5 extremely gross people? If you read our post 5 Of The Most Disgusting Habits, you read several examples about gross habits people have been known to engage in. Here, you will read about five individuals with their own repulsive stories. Some are difficult to believe.

From a professional farter, to a man who hasn’t even bothered to bathe in the last 60 years, these people are in a dirty world of their own. Just when you thought you’ve seen it all, along comes five of the grossest people on Earth. Let’s start with the man who gets paid to let out his stinky farts. read more

gunshot to the heart

Gross Pathology Pictures

This post will consist of 15 gross pathology pictures. We will also provide descriptions of each disease. The descriptions are concise and simple to comprehend. For some of the medical terms, we added links to reputable sites that provide more detailed information. Before you proceed, we must warn you that some of the images are not recommended for people with a weak stomach.

What Does The Term “Gross Pathology” Mean?

Wikipedia defines gross pathology as macroscopic (objects with a large enough size to be visible virtually with the naked eye) manifestations of disease that can be seen in organs, tissues and body cavities. Anatomical pathologists will often use this particular term to refer to diagnostically useful findings that they had made during the gross examination (a process in which pathology specimens are first inspected with the naked eye for diagnostic information purposes, and then later processed for a microscopic examination) segment of surgical specimen processing or an autopsy. read more

Count Orloff

10 Freaks Of Nature

Get ready to see 10 unbelievable freaks of nature. From freaky body parts to freak minds, you will surely meet some of the most incredible people that have ever lived. This post will consist of 5 rare and freaky body parts. The second part will cover 5 people who have freaky minds and amazing capabilities. Some are from the past and are long gone. However, some of the freaks are still alive.

It is unfortunate that people are occasionally born with a condition that can ruin their ability to live a normal life. However, for some, this is not the case. Even though they may be limited in some areas in their life, they will surprise you with their freakish talents in other areas. They may possess a talent that even the talented people without their condition, can never compete with. They may even become famous and be a part of the sideshow business. Here are 10 human freaks of nature. read more