Welcome to our post on pictures of the devil. You may be wondering why some of our recent posts have been about blood, death, creepy stuff, and just pure evil. The main reason is because Halloween is coming soon. Throughout the rest of September and October, we will be publishing a lot of content that may be very disturbing to some viewers. This particular page was created only for educational and entertainment purposes. As we previously mentioned in our post regarding evil demonic spirits, OdditiesBizarre does not participate in the practice of demon or devil worship.
Who Is The Devil?
“Animated fire by nevit” by Nevit is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
The devil (in mainstream Christianity, he is usually named Satan) is found in many religions, myths, and cultures around the world. Many believe this entity is very wicked, and has some supernatural powers. In Christianity, Satan is a fallen angel that tempts humans to commit sins. In addition to having the power to afflict humans with spiritual corruption, he can also cause bodily disease.
In Christianity, Satan is the chief evil spirit (leader of the demons) and is the archenemy of God and humankind. The name “Lucifer” refers to the devil as he was before his fall. Lucifer has become a by-word for the Devil/Satan in not only the Christian church, but also in popular literature.
A 17th century drawing of Satan (by English poet Gustave Doré) from the epic poem called “Paradise Lost.”
According to Christianity, before his fall, Lucifer was an archangel who lived in heaven. He later became a rebellious archangel. This made God become beyond angry. As a consequence of his risky (to say the least) decision to rebel against God, he was later condemned to the Lake of Fire. The Lake of Fire (according to ancient Christian and Egyptian religion) is a place of destruction for the wicked in the afterlife. The place has been mentioned in four verses of the Book of Revelation.
Although mainstream Christianity and Islam believe the devil exists, interestingly, there is no overt concept of him in mainstream Judaism. Of course, he is not always described as being a scary and terrible creature. Despite being an evil character in some major religions, he is also depicted as a comical figure, and a trickster. In many other religions, there are figures that are quite similar to the devil. The figure is often depicted as not only a sneaky trickster, but also as a tempter figure.
What Does The Devil Look Like?
You have probably seen many versions of the devil depicted in not only religion and folklore, but also in books and even Hollywood movies. Our featured image for this post shows a 16th-century painting of the devil. This is the typical depiction of him in Christian art. He has the fur and ears of a goat (with horns of a goat and ram), and the nose and canines of a pig. The depiction in Christian art is quite different than most devils you see in places such as Hollywood films. You often see him as a red being with horns and an evil smile. He is usually carrying his pitchfork wherever he goes.
Illustration Of The Devil In The Codex Gigas (or Devil´s Bible)
Lucifer Waiting For The Final Judgment
The work of Italian painter Coppo di Marcovaldo (13th century)
Harrowing of Hell by Italian painter Andrea Da Firenze (14th century)
Archangel Michael vs Satan by artist Theodore Poulakis (17th century)
The Temptation of Christ Painting (1854)
An 1887 Illustration of Lucifer
The Prince Of Darkness
“The Prince of Darkeness” by Wellcome is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Satan As The Antichrist
The work of Vicente Carducho
The Devil Kicking Back
“Devil” by MachoCarioca is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Devil Costumes
“Maxim Halloween Bash” by Eva Rinaldi is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
“Devil and Barbarella costumers” by Jesse Hull is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“Vogteitreffen Burkheim” by Stefan Muth is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Dog Devil Costume
“El diablo” by istolethetv is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Cute Little Dog In Devil Pajamas
“Lozaconferencia” by Chuchitoleon is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Devil Sculpture At Steampunk HQ
“Figuren Museum” by Jürgen Howaldt is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 DE
Sculpture of Satan (by French sculptor Jean-Jacques Feuchère)
“Graffiti & Murals” by Zarateman is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Thank you for viewing our large image collection of this very wicked and sneaky creature. Since you made it this far without hitting the back button, the content in this post probably didn’t offend you too much. Mostly due to religious views, this type of subject is likely to upset a lot of people. However, if it didn’t offend you, we are glad you came to view our post on pictures of the devil.