Category Archives: Weird Things | Wild Science | The Web |

Life is undoubtedly filled with so many weird things. Virtually every week we hear strange scientific stories on the news that make us question even the most reliable sources. We often think the story is nothing but a made up hoax and just can’t imagine how it is not. However, this is not always the case. With proof based on observable and conclusive scientific evidence, we find out that the things we may have thought were impossible, actually are.


We created this category to explore a variety of topics related to unknown mysteries, strange events, strange websites, wild science, pictures, and many more topics that spark the curiosity of the human mind. The questioning minds of humanity make the world an even more interesting place to live in. If we just assume we have all of the answers, we would never progress as a species. Plus, we would likely be extremely bored and would never feel challenged to find true answers. Enter and explore some of the weirdest things that have even the brightest minds questioning the facts.

dumbest websites

5 Dumb Websites For When You Have Nothing Better To Do

With an Internet filled with hundreds of millions of web pages, you are going to stumble upon dumb websites from time to time. We found five of the dumbest places to visit when you have absolutely nothing to do. Although most serve virtually no purpose, some may make you laugh.

5 Places To Visit When You Are Extremely Bored


dumbFor a plethora of dumb things, go to (the name says it all). With thousands of funny jokes, quotes, insults, pictures, videos (including viral videos), games, and more, you will certainly get a good dose of stupidity on the Internet. Categories include funny street names, backwards movies, the fart name list, stuff on my cat, kids jokes, trick questions, firing stories and more. read more

funny websites links

11 Funny Websites To Visit (Links To Pictures & Videos)

Welcome to our post on 11 funny websites. Are you bored and ready to laugh your socks off? We created the following list of links to share the most hilarious places you can visit online. Have a blast browsing through the top pictures and videos around!

Web Pages That Will Make You Laugh So Hard You’ll Cry


You Can Be Funny

The first website on our list is You Can Be Funny. This is a great source for anyone looking for a good laugh. There are so many categories, you may even be overwhelmed at first. However, rest assured, you will be glad you came here. See funny videos, pictures, cartoons, books, sayings and pranks (just to name a few of their categories). Visit the website and you will find plenty more to browse. This place is so much fun, you may end up spending many hours here. read more


Pictures Of Ghosts

Welcome to our post on spooky pictures of ghosts. We found a bunch of images from around the world. Warning: Some (or perhaps all) of the material contained in this post may not be suitable for some viewers. If you are terrified of ghosts, we recommend you do not see any of these photos.

Not all of the images in this post are of real ghosts (or claims of real ghosts).

What Is A Ghost?

The Ghost at Point of RocksA ghost is a disembodied soul (or spirit) of a deceased person. Many people believe that ghosts have the ability to haunt specific locations, and can even appear to the living in bodily form. read more

scary websites list

8 Scary Websites

Are you looking to find some of the most scary websites on the Internet? Great. Look no further. We did a very thorough search to bring you nothing but the most frightening pages around. Warning: The following material may be too creepy and disturbing to some viewers. If you decide to read the entire post and end up having some bad dreams because of it, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Before you proceed, we recommend that you do not read this post right before you go to bed.

8 Of The Spookiest Pages On The World Wide Web


Scary.comThe first site on our list is more scary for kids than adults. It is a Halloween haunted house filled with witches, monsters, zombies, bats, skeletons and other creepy characters. If you click on some of the objects and creatures, they will perform an action (such as move their head, or make a funny noise). If you spend some time here, you may find it interesting and funny. Some sections include various definitions, history, and entertaining acts (such as Medusa singing about herself). read more

depiction of the devil

Pictures Of The Devil

Welcome to our post on pictures of the devil. You may be wondering why some of our recent posts have been about blood, death, creepy stuff, and just pure evil. The main reason is because Halloween is coming soon. Throughout the rest of September and October, we will be publishing a lot of content that may be very disturbing to some viewers. This particular page was created only for educational and entertainment purposes. As we previously mentioned in our post regarding evil demonic spirits, OdditiesBizarre does not participate in the practice of demon or devil worship. read more